The relationship of obesity to sexual ability

Obesity is a disease that is no less dangerous than many diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and others that threaten a person's social life,
And also it can cause great harm in his marital life because obesity affects the sexual and reproductive capacity of both men and women.
ما هي علاقة السمنة بالقدرة الجنسية للرجال؟
تكمن علاقة السمنة بالقدرة الجنسية لدي الرجال في قلة تدفق الدم للعضو الذكري والخصيتين، لذا فهي تقلل بل و يمكن أن تمنع حدوث الإنجاب، فكثير من الرجال الذين يُعانون من السمنة لا يدركون إنها من أهم الأسباب التي يمكن أن تكون سبب رئيسي لعدم حدوث إنجاب.
And also the man suffers from obesity and the fat is especially in the rumen area, which also causes difficulty during the marital relationship and reduces the man’s sexual ability.
Other reasons for the relationship of obesity to the sexual ability of men:
Weight gain reduces sexual performance, and the man quickly feels exhausted when making a little effort during sexual intercourse.
- The fat in the abdomen, buttocks and waist reduces blood flow to the rest of a man's genitals, which weakens the ability to erect the penis.
Thus, it limits the strong sexual performance of the man as a result of the rapid relaxation.
The testicles and penis need to be pumped well in order to function.
- The sperm needs to be of good quality to enable it to reach the fertilization of the egg, and the extra weight reduces its quality.
With excess weight and fat, it becomes difficult for a man to breathe comfortably and be able to exert effort during sexual intercourse.
Obesity directly affects the size and length of the penis, especially if it accumulates in the abdominal region, as its volume decreases as the size of the abdomen increases, which affects the marital sexual relationship.
Is obesity a reason for delayed childbearing in women?
Obesity not only makes you feel heavy and restrained in clothing and difficulty in movement, but is a major cause of delayed childbearing for some women, because of what the extra weight causes.
Of disturbances in the female hormones, which in turn may lead to delayed childbearing for some women.
وايضا علاقة السمنة بالقدرة الجنسية لدي النساء في نفور الزوج من العلاقة الزوجية.
Other diseases that obesity can cause:
-Heart disease.
-High cholesterol.
-Joint erosion.
Lack of self-confidence.
ما هي طرق التخلص من الوزن الزائد؟
يجب التخلص من الوزن الزائد علي الفور بعدة طرق إحداها الطرق التقليدية مثل الإلتزام بنظام غذائي صحي أو بممارسة الرياضة بإنتظام،فإذا فشلت هذه الطرق للتخلص من السمنة فهناك طرق آمنة و فعالة مثل جراحات السمنة المختلفة و هي: