Eating after bariatric surgery:

Bariatric surgeries are a safe way to lose weight, but immediately after the operation, you must follow this diet to ensure that you reach an ideal weight with success and better health.

First week You should start with clear liquids, such as:
Fruit juices (pure apple, pure grape).
Green or regular tea.
-Skimmed milk (soy milk, coconut milk, almond milk).
-Meat soup without spices.
- Vegetable soup without spices.
- Chicken soup without spices.
-Detox water.
second week You can add opaque liquids besides transparent liquids. Examples of opaque liquids include:
-Zabado with pieces of fruit multiplied in a blender.
-Rayeb's milk.
-Banana with milk, beaten in a blender.
-Various soups (meat and chicken soup).
Vegetable soup with boiled vegetable pieces multiplied in a blender.
the third week Opaque and blended liquids like:
-A cup of yogurt mixed with the fruit and beaten with a blender.
- Zucchini soup with vegetables multiplied with a blender.
- Oat soup multiplied in a blender.
- Carrot soup mixed with a blender.
- Lentil soup mixed with a blender.
fourth week We start with entering but pureed food such as:
-Chicken liver is boiled and we puree it well.
-Small pieces of well mashed fish.
-Mashed beans
-Mashed chicken fajita.
The fifth week Soft, soft, mashed or blended food, such as:
-Puree potatoes (boiled and mashed well).
-Boiled or grilled potatoes.
-Chunks of boiled and mashed cauliflower.
-Chicken liver, mashed well.
-Mashed or grilled fish well.
the sixth week A blender can be dispensed with, but the food should be soft, such as:
-Minced meat.
-Grilled Fish.
-Boiled eggs
-Tuna, well drained.
-Potato puree.
-Grilled potato.
- Live my country.
-Boiled button.
-Boiled pasta
-Chicken liver.
-White cheese with low salt.
-Mashed beans in olive oil.
-Oats, night and corn flakes.
-Peanut butter.
- Baba Ghanouj Lite.
after the sixth week You can eat everything you want, but in a healthy way and refrain from eating as soon as you feel full. Ideas for healthy foods:
-Lite kiosk.
-Taamia Lite.
- Stuffed Lite.
-Light cauliflower.
-Chicken breast with yogurt.
-Pasta with grilled vegetables.
-Stuffed zucchini with chicken.
-Grilled burger.
-Grilled kofta with parsley in the oven.
-Grilled steak.
Boiled or baked vegetables.
- Sambousek with vegetables in the oven.
-Potatoes in the oven.
-Powers of all kinds.