Correction of previous obesity Surgery
Obesity surgeries are the surgical option to get rid of excess weight to reach an ideal, healthy body, as well as a way to avoid many diseases associated with obesity, such as diabetes, pressure and other diseases related to obesity. But sometimes a person who has had obesity surgery needs to return it.
In this article, we will discuss together the reasons why this person needs to repeat the operation, either in order to correct it or for another reason. With Dr. Hisham Abdullah you will know the causes, results and appropriate solutions.
Reasons for resorting to correction operations:
It happens with some cases that the results are unsuccessful, and other times the operation causes complications. The reasons are as follows:
Failure to obtain the desired weight after the obesity process, but sometimes an increase in weight occurs again, and the reasons for this problem include:
* Irregularity of the person who performed the operation on the diet recommended by the doctor after the operation.
- Sometimes it is due to a wrong choice of the type of operation that is not suitable for a person who suffers from obesity.
-This results in the operation not being successful.
-Failure to treat diseases associated with obesity, such as diabetes, stress, arthritis, and others.
-The process may cause changes in the body such as:
- Enlargement of the stomach pocket, and stomach ulcers may occur.
- Increase intestinal absorption capacity, unlike expected.
- The stomach ring moves out of place, which may increase the amount of food.
These examples are an indication of the failure of the operation and the need for a surgical intervention to correct it.
- The poor choice of a competent surgeon may be among the main problems, as obesity operations are surgeries that require extreme precision, extreme caution, and complete sterilization.
- The poor choice of a competent surgeon may be among the main problems as obesity operations are surgeries that require extreme precision, extreme caution and complete sterilization. The belt is for the stomach wall and is accompanied by symptoms such as infections in the stomach and esophagus, difficulty swallowing, vomiting and abdominal pain.
One of the dangers of stomach wrinkles is that it may lead to poor absorption of nutrients.
Appropriate solutions to such problems:
First of all, the person who wants to correct the process must choose a doctor with high competence and excellent experience in this field.
In the center of Dr. Hisham Abdullah, professor of surgery at the Faculty of Medicine at Mansoura University, the following will be done:
Conducting all the necessary medical examinations and analyzes to find out the causes of the main problem, and then choosing the appropriate solution.
- The stomach ring operations and stomach stapling operations are corrected by performing the bypass operation, which is the connection of the stomach pouch to a part of the small intestine without removing the rest of the stomach parts.
- Dr. Hisham Abdullah, an expert in obesity and laparoscopic surgeries, is interested in that the operation takes place in a completely sterile environment, and uses high-efficiency and more advanced medical devices, as well as modern surgical tools, and of course they are well sterile, which ensures that you enjoy complete safety, reassurance and comfort. Any complications after the operation.
- Dr. Hisham Abdullah, who has a general surgery fellowship from the British Royal College, is keen to secure the operation by testing whether or not there is any leakage in the operation.
- Dr. Hisham Abdullah Center also gives all the instructions that must be known and followed after the completion of the operation, to preserve its success and obtain the required weight and acceptable result, so it provides you with a healthy, healthy diet that you must follow in the first period after the operation.
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-By following these solutions, you get rid of the problems and complications that you suffered as a result of the first unsuccessful surgery due to the previously mentioned reasons.
- You will start to lose weight quickly and reach the desired result, God willing, and thus get rid of the psychological and physical suffering that the first operation was the cause of.
-This will also avoid obesity complicating diseases such as stress, diabetes, joint stiffness and other life-threatening diseases for all who suffer from obesity.
- When you reach the required weight, you can practice your favorite sport properly, and then your body becomes more fit and your health more healthy.
At Dr. Hisham Abdullah Center - the expert in obesity surgeries for more than 20 years, you will enjoy good treatment and a good reception, and you will find an answer to every question that occupies your thinking, especially for obesity surgeries, and you will have careful follow-up step by step for the sake of your health