questions and answers

Obesity is the accumulation of a large amount of fat inside the body, which may cause a lot of damage to the body. A normal person has fat cells inside the body, but when these cells increase beyond the limit, obesity occurs, when a person gains weight, the fat cells increase in size first and then increase in number, and when the person begins to lose weight, the size of the fat cells decreases, but their number generally remains the same. This is part of the reason why losing weight is difficult once a person gains a significant amount of weight.
Among the disadvantages of obesity:
- The accumulation of fat and obesity causes many problems in the heart, including heart attacks and angina, and may lead to death, due to high cholesterol and blood sugar, and hinders sending blood to all cells in the body.
Obesity increases the chances of developing type 2 diabetes, as it causes an imbalance in the level of insulin in the blood. 
Obesity causes high blood pressure.
Obesity is a risk factor for colon cancer in men and women, in addition to rectal and prostate cancer in men, and obesity may also be associated with breast cancer, especially in postmenopausal women. Since adipose tissue is involved in the production of the hormone estrogen, exposure to high levels of this hormone for long periods of time can increase the risk of breast cancer. 
It increases the risk of developing liver fat, kidney problems, high levels of triglycerides, as well as decreasing levels of good cholesterol in the blood.
Stroke is caused due to high blood pressure resulting from obesity. 
Cause depression, nervous and psychological pressure.
It increases the chances of developing gallstones.
Breathing problems and sleep apnea. 



Obesity is considered one of the most dangerous diseases and the most widespread, due to the accompanying chronic diseases … The accumulation of a large amount of fat tissue inside the body negatively affects the various body organs, and among the most important causes of obesity:
1- - Eating foods excessively and without regularity, as eating in different quantities at different times per day increases the possibility of obesity, along with an unhealthy diet, such as eating more junk food, soft drinks and high-calorie foods. Excessive intake of fats, sweets and others. Therefore, it is recommended to use barbecues or boiling methods and reduce foods and fatty foods and replace them with vegetables and fruits with low calories.
2- - Lack of exercise, as not exercising on a daily basis will gain you a lot of weight, and therefore follow a dynamic and moving lifestyle that maintains your agility .. You must exercise daily for at least 30 minutes (brisk walking – swimming – football and others).
3- Irregular sleep hours may cause obesity. Getting a lot of sleep leads to a change in hormones, which leads to an increase in appetite and desire for food.
4- Medicines: aking some medications can cause weight gain, and these drugs include: some antidepressant drugs, anticonvulsant drugs, diabetes medications, and steroid drugs.
5- Pregnancy: A woman’s weight gradually increases during pregnancy, and some women have difficulty getting rid of excess weight after pregnancy, which causes obesity.
6- Genetic factors, which are among the most important factors that may cause obesity, as genes can affect the amount of fat in the body, how it is distributed, and how the body burns calories.
7- Following the harsh dieting regimes that depend on eating a certain type of food and avoiding the rest of the items may lead to a rapid loss of weight and then the body to gain weight again in addition to the appearance of sagging in the body.


You can lose excess weight by following several easy-to-achieve steps and adhering to a healthy and proper diet. Among the most important of these steps:
1- Divide meals: eating 4-5 small meals a day is better than eating large meals because this increases the person’s burning rate and avoids eating a large amount of food in one meal.
2- Eat slowly and chew food well: This facilitates the digestion of food and avoids eating while watching TV or while busy with something else, as this causes eating a large amount without feeling it.
3- Eating more vegetables and avoiding saturated fats and sweets.
4- Exercising on a daily basis because it helps in burning fat.
5- Drink plenty of water every day , at least 8 cups. It is advised to drink two cups of water and eat a fruit half an hour before the main meal, as this avoids you eating a large amount of food during the meal.
6- Reducing as much as possible fast food fatty sweets, sweetened canned juices and soft drinks, and not adding more sugar.
7-Get enough sleep regularly.
8- Monitor your weight regularly with a specialist to notice any change in your weight.



The laparoscopic Sleeve gastrectomy in Egypt has now become one of the most common surgical procedures in Egypt due to the ease of the operation, its impressive results, and the high safety ratios due to the use of the latest devices and technologies such as the use of the smart stapler that eliminated the infusion problems permanently after the operation, and thus higher success rates were achieved for the operation. Where the operation is done by inserting laparoscopic surgical tools to perform the operation. The endoscope is connected to a front camera that images the internal organs, for the surgeon to follow them accurately through a monitor connected to the endoscope. 
The gastric Sleeve gastrectomy operation is performed through small surgical incisions not exceeding 2 cm. This facilitates wound healing, shortens the recovery period and returns to normal life within 5 days at most.
Better cosmetic shape as a result of the small size of the surgical openings.
Excellent results due to laparoscopic enlargement. 
Only one day stay in the hospital.
Losing weight very significantly and in a short period of time.
Also, the preparation steps to complete the operation are easy and possible, such as stopping eating fatty foods a few days before the operation and stopping smoking two weeks before the operation so that this does not affect the healing of wounds and stopping the medications for fluidity.


Each of them has points that distinguish them from others and in certain situations. The gastric sleeve operation Sleeve gastrectomy is suitable for those who love to eat in large quantities, because in the process of gastric sleeve gastrectomy, about 80% of the stomach volume is removed, including the part of the stomach responsible for the secretion of the ghrelin hormone. Thus, the amount of food that will be eaten decreases.
As for the bypass فيتم فيها عمل جيب فى المعدة و توصيله بالأمعاء الدقيقة بعد تجاوز أول جزء منها (حوالي واحد و نصف متر ) و بالتالى تقل كمية الأكل المطلوبة للشبع كما يقل إمتصاص السكريات و المواد الغذائية. تحويل المسار هى العملية الأنسب لمرضى السمنة المفرطة الذين يعانوا من مرض السكر من النوع الثانى الغير معتمد على الأنسولين. حيث أثبتت الدراسات العلمية و خبرة المرضى أن عملية تحويل المسار تشفى من مرض السكر بنسبة 98% و لكن يحتاج المريض الي اتباع نظام غذائي معين لتعويض نقص الفيتامينات الناتج عن نقص إمتصاصها .


 Gastroesophageal reflux من أشهر الأعراض الجانبية لعملية تكميم المعدة حيث يعاني معظم الناس من وجود مشكلة في الإرتجاع المريئي المعدي بعد عمليات تكميم المعدة على المدى القصير. وهو عبارة عن ارتداد الطعام والمحتوى الحمضي من المعدة إلى أعلى وصولًا إلى المرئ مسببًا إحساس الحرقة على الصدر. وقد تظهر الأعراض أيضًا على هيئة صعوبة فى البلع.و لكن هناك اثار جانبية أخرى مثل :
Constipation:especially during the few weeks after the gastric sleeve procedure, because the quantities of water and fluids that a person gets after the gastric sleeve operation are reduced.
Nausea and vomiting: occurs as a result of eating or drinking too much 
Lack of vitamins and minerals..
The appearance of sagging abdomen:
They appear on the skin as a result of rapid weight loss within a short period of time, so the body appears to have some sagging, especially in areas where fat is stored a lot, such as: the abdomen, arms and buttocks. Many people suffer because of this problem due to the psychological impact it causes on the person; It causes him embarrassment as a result of the appearance, in addition to the difficulty of wearing certain outfits that show the sagging on the skin.
Thus, there are no serious health risks or damages to the gastric sleeve operation as long as the surgical team is distinguished by expertise, professionalism and accuracy during the procedure, on the contrary, the gastric sleeve operation helps to protect against serious chronic diseases that include heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol levels.


In the operation, mini-bypass the stomach is reduced first to become in the form of a closed tube, after which this gastric tube is connected to the small intestine with an excess of (150-200) centimeters from this intestine.
An advantage of this procedure is that it is easier than conventional bypass, resulting in shorter time in the operating room and leading to fewer complications. Patients who undergo transduction generally require vitamins and nutritional supplements on a regular basis.
In the past, bypass the rerouting process led to hair loss, as a result of the lack of vitamins and the amount of iron absorbed in the body, but after the development of studies at this point this problem disappeared and the rerouting process became a process with impressive results and without a negative impact on the health of the patient. This is done by giving the patient the necessary vitamins and iron for long periods after the operation, which ensures that the body needs the vitamins and minerals required. Among the advantages of the rerouting process is that the patient does not follow any type of diet, so the patient can eat all kinds of food besides recovering from diabetes and its complications and getting rid of obesity and its damages.