

Being overweight and becoming obese has become a common disease that affects many people and does not differentiate between a man and a woman. Suffering from it is not only physical but also psychological, so if you suffer from obesity you must get rid of it and you have several ways to get rid of it, first Traditional methods such as following a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Second, safe obesity surgeries.

Is obesity a disease?

Obesity is a disease by all standards, just like many other diseases that can lead to the risk of death, because the consequences of obesity are many diseases. Obesity causes diabetes, heart disease, stress, joint erosion, high cholesterol and other diseases that may lead to the risk of death if carelessly. By and because of her.

What are the disadvantages of obesity?

Obesity is not only a disease that has physical damages, but also has psychological side effects that can reach you to the point of depression, between these damages:
Joint pain and erosion as a result of an increased load on it.
High level of sugar in the blood.
High cholesterol.
Various heart diseases.
- Isolation.
Lack of self-confidence.
-Breathing difficulty.
Increased sweating.

What are the safe non-traditional ways to get rid of obesity?

Obesity surgeries have become the safest and most effective way to get rid of obesity, especially for those who tried a lot to lose weight by traditional methods but failed, and these are the different types of obesity surgeries:
Sleeve gastrectomy
- Convert path 

Bypass surgery:

Bypass surgery is a safe surgery used to get rid of obesity, especially for type 2 diabetics who suffer from high sugar level and cannot dispense with eating sweets.
The bypass surgery is the separation of a portion of the stomach (sinus) and the bypassing the intestine bypassing the first part of the intestine. By reducing the size of the stomach and bypassing the first section of the intestine,
The amount of absorbed food, especially sugars, decreases, and thus the level of sugar in the blood decreases, and the hunger hormone is also eliminated and thus weight is safely lost and obesity and type 2 diabetes are also eliminated.

What are the procedures required before undergoing bypass surgery?

- The surgeon talks with those wishing to undergo the operation to agree on the most appropriate type.
It is important to tell the surgeon what medicines you are currently using or have previously used.
Inform the surgeon of your complete medical history.
The surgeon asks for some necessary tests to be done in order to ensure that you can undergo the procedure completely safely.
- The surgeon asks to completely stop smoking due to its direct effect on your ability to recover after the operation.
Start exercising gradually.

What happens after a bypass surgery?

- You must adhere to the nutritional program that the doctor placed for the period after the operation.
Get complete rest until full recovery.
- The doctor must be visited periodically in order to follow up on the situation and be aware of its latest developments.
Attention should be paid to taking the therapeutic medications recommended by the surgeon, which include vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

Is there any pain after bypass surgery?

There is no fear of feeling pain after the bypass surgery, as Dr. Hisham Abdullah uses the Pain Relief Device (PCA), which is a pain control device.
The surgeon uses it to relieve pain after the operation by using calculated and safe analgesic doses. You can obtain it automatically through the device and get a dose when needed by pressing the device.

Who is the right candidate for gastric sleeve surgery?

The suitable candidate is one who suffers from obesity, meaning that the body mass index is higher than 35 and cannot dispense with eating sweets and sugars, especially diabetics, and also obese patients who suffer from hiatal hernia and those who suffer from esophageal reflux.

Does bypass surgery leave scars after surgery?

The surgeon uses the endoscope in the bypass surgery, which has a thin diameter not exceeding a millimeter and makes 3-5 surgical incisions that do not exceed a millimeter also, so the surgery does not leave a clear trace, but very small stitches that heal with time and then enjoy good health.

What happens after a bypass surgery?

Drink plenty of fluids and water to prevent dehydration.
- Avoid drinking liquids between meals, but you must wait a period of 30 minutes after eating to drink water so that stomach enlargement and stress do not occur.
Chew food well before swallowing.
The diet followed should contain protein on a daily basis
Eat foods and drinks low in fat and sugar.
Choose foods and fluids low in fat and sugar.
Beware of consuming caffeine, as it leads to dehydration.
Exercise to avoid the appearance of sagging.

Sleeve gastrectomy

Sleeve gastrectomy

Recently, many diseases that invade our lives and affect our health have appeared, and the most famous of these diseases is obesity, which began to invade our bodies in an unwanted way, and obesity and weight gain began to increase until some of us succumbed to it and even became difficult Control it.

Causes of weight gain:

Many suffer from the problem of overweight due to several reasons, including:
Lack of control over the feeling of hunger 
The inability to dispense with sweets 
Problems with burn rate
Sluggishness and lack of movement.
Thyroid hormone disorders.
Weight gain after pregnancy and childbirth.
-Lack of exercise.
Inability to follow a healthy diet.

Traditional ways to get rid of obesity:

Follow a healthy diet.
Exercise regularly.

Different obesity surgeries to get rid of obesity:

Sleeve gastrectomy.
- Path diversion.

What is sleeve gastrectomy?

Sleeve gastrectomy is one of the most popular, safe and effective obesity surgeries to get rid of weight gain, because in this surgery the surgeon removes 80% of the stomach volume, and thus results in a feeling of fullness when eating small amounts of food, which leads to gradual weight loss with every Safety, just as when cutting the large part of the stomach, the surgeon gets rid of the hunger hormone (GhrelinAnd it is the cause of the constant feeling of hunger all the time, and thus the constant weight gain as a result of obeying this feeling, when getting rid of the hunger hormone we get rid of the constant feeling of the need to eat and enjoy a healthy weight loss and good health.

Who is the right candidate for gastric sleeve surgery?

Have a BMI of 35 or higher.
- That obesity is the reason why a person suffers from heart disease, blood pressure and high cholesterol.
That you feel hungry all the time is the reason for your weight gain.
That your lack of control over the amount of eating is the reason for your weight gain and your reaching the point of obesity.

Pre-surgery procedures for sleeve gastrectomy:

- The surgeon requests several tests before performing obesity surgery to check on public health and know the dose of anesthesia.
- The surgeon recommends anti-thinning medications two days before the operation.
-stop smoking.
Refrain from drinking alcohol.
Stopping the cortisone drugs before the operation.

Steps of sleeve gastrectomy surgery:

1- Making a small incision in the abdomen that does not exceed a millimeter, to insert the laparoscope.
2- Cutting about 80% of the stomach size by using the latest international technology to make the stomach shape like the sleeve.
3- The surgeon staples the stomach using the latest international staplers to avoid any leakage or bleeding.
4- Perform a leak test to ensure that no leakage occurs.
5- Finish and dress the wound safely
nstalling a device PCA To control pain.

Benefits gained after gastric sleeve surgery:

Lose weight safely.
Depression disappears by a large percentage.
Sleeping deeply as a result of breathing easily.
Urinary incontinence gets better.
Cardiovascular disease decreased by 82%.
The sensitivity of the chest is greatly improved.
Joint wear improves significantly.
Easy movement.
Diabetes improved significantly.
- The occurrence of gastric reflux is reduced.
The increase in blood pressure improves significantly.
The regularity of the menstrual cycle and the disappearance of its problems.

Does gagging reduce the chances of pregnancy?

On the contrary, the gastric sleeve operation increases the fertility rate, as infertility is considered one of the common causes of weight gain, and it is considered safe for a woman to become pregnant after weight stabilization after surgery, but doctors recommend waiting until 18 months after surgery, as this reduces the possibility of the mother, fetus and infant suffering from malnutrition. .

Important tips after sleeve gastrectomy:

Chew and eat well before swallowing. 
Avoid drinking water while eating, as this may cause your new stomach to fill up. 
Drink liquids half an hour after finishing a meal. 
Refrain from drinking high-calorie soft drinks, and avoid junk food. 
Make sure to take vitamins and mineral supplements every day. 
In the second month, you can switch to normal meals, but remember, you will not be able to eat as much as you used to before. 
Drink lots of water, at least 8 glasses of water.

The relationship of obesity to mental health:

There is a great relationship between obesity and mental state. When you suffer from obesity, your psyche begins to be affected by lack of self-confidence, resorting to isolation and not being among many people,
And this may lead you to depression, which is a painful feeling psychologically. You feel that you are rejected or that you are less than all of the people present, so that is why you must get rid of obesity immediately by one of the traditional methods,
But if you are not able to follow these methods such as exercising regularly and following a healthy diet, then you must resort to safe obesity surgeries and enjoy a healthy life psychologically and physically.

What is the appropriate age for gastric sleeve surgery?

Sleeve gastrectomy is one of the safe surgeries that will reach you to the ideal weight, but the appropriate age for the sleeve gastrectomy procedure is from 16-65 years old.

What is the difference between sleeve gastrectomy and liposuction?

There is a big difference between these two operations, as gastric sleeve surgery is performed for those who suffer from obesity and has a body mass index of more than 35, while liposuction is performed for those who suffer from the accumulation of fat in one area and who are not obese.

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