Day: September 18, 2020
Bariatric surgery

Sleeve gastrectomy
Causes of weight gain:
Traditional ways to get rid of obesity:
Different obesity surgeries to get rid of obesity:
What is sleeve gastrectomy?
تكميم المعدة بالمنظار من أشهر جراحات السمنة و الأكثر أمان و فاعلية للتخلص من زيادة الوزن، و ذلك لأن في هذه الجراحة يقوم الجراح بالتخلص من 80% من حجم المعدة، وبالتالي ينتج عنها الشعور بالشبع عند أكل كميات قليلة من الطعام مما يؤدي إلي نزول الوزن التدريجي بكل أمان، كما أن عند قص الجزء الكبير من المعدة فإن الجراح يتخلص من هرمون الجوع (GhrelinAnd it is the cause of the constant feeling of hunger all the time, and thus the constant weight gain as a result of obeying this feeling, when getting rid of the hunger hormone we get rid of the constant feeling of the need to eat and enjoy a healthy weight loss and good health.
من المرشح المناسب لجراحة تكميم المعدة بالمنظار؟
Pre-surgery procedures for sleeve gastrectomy:
خطوات جراحة تكميم المعدة بالمنظار:
الفوائد المُكتسبة بعد جراحة تكميم المعدة بالمنظار:
Does gagging reduce the chances of pregnancy?
نصائح هامة بعد عملية تكميم المعدة بالمنظار:
The relationship of obesity to mental health:
What is the appropriate age for gastric sleeve surgery?
What is the difference between sleeve gastrectomy and liposuction?
There is a big difference between these two operations, as gastric sleeve surgery is performed for those who suffer from obesity and has a body mass index of more than 35, while liposuction is performed for those who suffer from the accumulation of fat in one area and who are not obese.
ما تكلفة عملية تكميم المعدة ؟
تكلفة عملية تكميم المعدة تحتاج الي إستشارة للطبيب المتخصص لأن كل حالة تختلف عن الأخري في إجرائاتها وتاريخها المرضي ومستوي الدهون في الجسم
اطلع ايضا:
جراحة تحويل مسار المعدة

Is obesity a disease?
What are the disadvantages of obesity?
What are the safe non-traditional ways to get rid of obesity?
Bypass surgery:
What are the procedures required before undergoing bypass surgery?
What happens after a bypass surgery?
Is there any pain after bypass surgery?
Who is the right candidate for gastric sleeve surgery?
The suitable candidate is one who suffers from obesity, meaning that the body mass index is higher than 35 and cannot dispense with eating sweets and sugars, especially diabetics, and also obese patients who suffer from hiatal hernia and those who suffer from esophageal reflux.
Does bypass surgery leave scars after surgery?
The surgeon uses the endoscope in the bypass surgery, which has a thin diameter not exceeding a millimeter and makes 3-5 surgical incisions that do not exceed a millimeter also, so the surgery does not leave a clear trace, but very small stitches that heal with time and then enjoy good health.
What happens after a bypass surgery?
اطلع ايضا :

عملية الساسي
What is the effective solution to get rid of obesity?
What if traditional methods fail to get rid of obesity?
What are the different types of obesity surgeries?
What are the advantages of SASI over other obesity surgeries?
When do I realize that I am obese?
Is the SASI operation internationally recognized, and why?
Is Sassi the magic solution for diabetics?
تعتبر عملية الساسي من العمليات المُستكشفة حديثاً و أثبتت نتائج هائلة في التخلص من مرض السكر النوع الثاني بنسبة 90%.
و ذلك لأنها تجمع ما بين عملية تكميم المعدة ومميزاتها من التحكم في كمية الأكل ، و بين عملية تحويل المسار و مميزاتها من تقليل كمية الأكل المُمتصة مثل السكريات و الدهون، لذلك فلها نتائج هائلة ف التخلص من مرض السكر النوع الثاني و نزول الوزن بطريقة آمنة و فعالة.
What is the appropriate age for SASI surgery?
Important advice, recommended by Dr. Hisham Abdullah after the SASI operation:
Multiple benefits of SASI:
شاهد ايضا:
Stomach balloon

Stomach balloon
What is a gastric balloon?
كيف تتم عملية بالون المعدة؟
Who fits a stomach balloon?
ما هو النظام الغذائي المتبع بعد عملية بالون المعدة؟
كيف تكون نتائج جراحة بالون المعدة؟
First on the positive side:
Second from the negative side:
Exact quantification

Exact quantification
In keeping with the technological development in modern medical sciences and medical devices as well, and the doctors ’interest in improving the results of operations, especially obesity surgeries, doctors have reached a breakthrough in the world of obesity surgery, which is surgery using very accurate binoculars, as doctors seek to provide patient comfort and eliminate fear and anxiety towards These processes.
Exact quantification:
What is the difference between sleeve gastrectomy and micro-sleeve gastrectomy?
There are three phases that obesity surgery has gone through, as it began with traditional surgeries, then evolved into the use of binoculars and then into the use of microscopes, and this is a breakthrough in obesity surgeries.
First: traditional surgeries:
Second: laparoscopic surgery:
Third: accurate quantification:
For which patients who suffer from obesity is suitable for accurate sleeve gastrectomy?
Advantages of accurate quantification:
Important tips before performing a meticulous sleeve gastrectomy:
Without a trace without pain:
Correction of previous obesity Surgery

Correction of previous obesity Surgery
Reasons for resorting to correction operations:
Appropriate solutions to such problems:
كيف تكون نتيجة تصحيح جراحات السمنة؟
Single-hole sleeve gastrectomy

Single-hole sleeve gastrectomy
Sleeve gastrectomy with one hole is best for aesthetic appearance:
Who is suitable for one-hole gastric sleeve surgery?
The method used to carry out the operation:
Excellent results for single-opening sleeve gastrectomy:
What has resulted from the use of modern endoscopes in bariatric surgeries:
Healthy health systems that must be followed before and after the operation:
* before the operation :
* After the operation:
Bikini gagging

Bikini gagging
Bikini gagging:
The difference between laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and laparoscopic bikini quantification:
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy:
Here, the operation is performed through 5 small incisions not exceeding 1 cm in length, an opening in the navel area to insert the camera, and four holes in the abdominal area where endoscopes are used, and some scars may appear after the operation.
Bikini gagging:
Advantages that you will get after performing a bikini sleeve surgery:
What is the diet followed after the bikini sleeve surgery?
Important tips after gastric sleeve surgery:
The relationship of obesity to sexual ability

The relationship of obesity to sexual ability

ما هي علاقة السمنة بالقدرة الجنسية للرجال؟
Other reasons for the relationship of obesity to the sexual ability of men:
Is obesity a reason for delayed childbearing in women?
Other diseases that obesity can cause:
ما هي طرق التخلص من الوزن الزائد؟