Arab Satellite TV Festival

Arab Satellite TV Festival


معايير كتير هى اللى بَنِت ثقة مرضى د.هشام عبد الله…أهمها الخبرة، التاريخ الطويل، المهارة و الأمانة المهنية.

لكن كمان تكريمه كأفضل جراح سمنة على مستوى الشرق الأوسط فى مهرجان الفضائيات العربية.

Bariatric surgery

Sleeve gastrectomy

Recently, many diseases that invade our lives and affect our health have appeared, and the most famous of these diseases is obesity, which began to invade our bodies in an unwanted way, and obesity and weight gain began to increase until some of us succumbed to it and even became difficult Control it.


Causes of weight gain:

Many suffer from the problem of overweight due to several reasons, including:
Lack of control over the feeling of hunger 
The inability to dispense with sweets 
Problems with burn rate
Sluggishness and lack of movement.
Thyroid hormone disorders.
Weight gain after pregnancy and childbirth.
-Lack of exercise.
Inability to follow a healthy diet.

Traditional ways to get rid of obesity:

Follow a healthy diet.
Exercise regularly.

Different obesity surgeries to get rid of obesity:

What is sleeve gastrectomy?

تكميم المعدة بالمنظار من أشهر جراحات السمنة و الأكثر أمان و فاعلية للتخلص من زيادة الوزن، و ذلك لأن في هذه الجراحة يقوم الجراح بالتخلص من 80% من حجم المعدة، وبالتالي ينتج عنها الشعور بالشبع عند أكل كميات قليلة من الطعام مما يؤدي إلي نزول الوزن التدريجي بكل أمان، كما أن عند قص الجزء الكبير من المعدة فإن الجراح يتخلص من هرمون الجوع (GhrelinAnd it is the cause of the constant feeling of hunger all the time, and thus the constant weight gain as a result of obeying this feeling, when getting rid of the hunger hormone we get rid of the constant feeling of the need to eat and enjoy a healthy weight loss and good health.


من المرشح المناسب لجراحة تكميم المعدة بالمنظار؟

Have a BMI of 35 or higher.
- That obesity is the reason why a person suffers from heart disease, blood pressure and high cholesterol.
That you feel hungry all the time is the reason for your weight gain.
That your lack of control over the amount of eating is the reason for your weight gain and your reaching the point of obesity.

Pre-surgery procedures for sleeve gastrectomy:

- The surgeon requests several tests before performing obesity surgery to check on public health and know the dose of anesthesia.
- The surgeon recommends anti-thinning medications two days before the operation.
-stop smoking.
Refrain from drinking alcohol.
Stopping the cortisone drugs before the operation.

خطوات جراحة تكميم المعدة بالمنظار:

1- Making a small incision in the abdomen that does not exceed a millimeter, to insert the laparoscope.
2- Cutting about 80% of the stomach size by using the latest international technology to make the stomach shape like the sleeve.
3- The surgeon staples the stomach using the latest international staplers to avoid any leakage or bleeding.
4- Perform a leak test to ensure that no leakage occurs.
5- Finish and dress the wound safely
nstalling a device PCA To control pain.

الفوائد المُكتسبة بعد جراحة تكميم المعدة بالمنظار:

Lose weight safely.
Depression disappears by a large percentage.
Sleeping deeply as a result of breathing easily.
Urinary incontinence gets better.
Cardiovascular disease decreased by 82%.
The sensitivity of the chest is greatly improved.
Joint wear improves significantly.
Easy movement.
Diabetes improved significantly.
- The occurrence of gastric reflux is reduced.
The increase in blood pressure improves significantly.
The regularity of the menstrual cycle and the disappearance of its problems.

Does gagging reduce the chances of pregnancy?

بالعكس فعملية تكميم المعدة بالمنظار تزيد من معدل الخصوبة، حيث يعتبر العقم أحد أسباب زيادة الوزن الشائعة، ويعتبر من الآمن أن تحمل المرأة بعد إستقرار الوزن بعد الجراحة، ولكن يوصي الأطباء بالإنتظار حتى 18 شهراً بعد الجراحة، فذلك يقلل من إحتمالية إصابة الأم والجنين والرضيع بسوء التغذية.


نصائح هامة بعد عملية تكميم المعدة بالمنظار:

Chew and eat well before swallowing. 
Avoid drinking water while eating, as this may cause your new stomach to fill up. 
Drink liquids half an hour after finishing a meal. 
Refrain from drinking high-calorie soft drinks, and avoid junk food. 
Make sure to take vitamins and mineral supplements every day. 
In the second month, you can switch to normal meals, but remember, you will not be able to eat as much as you used to before. 
Drink lots of water, at least 8 glasses of water.

The relationship of obesity to mental health:

There is a great relationship between obesity and mental state. When you suffer from obesity, your psyche begins to be affected by lack of self-confidence, resorting to isolation and not being among many people,
And this may lead you to depression, which is a painful feeling psychologically. You feel that you are rejected or that you are less than all of the people present, so that is why you must get rid of obesity immediately by one of the traditional methods,
But if you are not able to follow these methods such as exercising regularly and following a healthy diet, then you must resort to safe obesity surgeries and enjoy a healthy life psychologically and physically.

What is the appropriate age for gastric sleeve surgery?

Sleeve gastrectomy is one of the safe surgeries that will reach you to the ideal weight, but the appropriate age for the sleeve gastrectomy procedure is from 16-65 years old.

What is the difference between sleeve gastrectomy and liposuction?

There is a big difference between these two operations, as gastric sleeve surgery is performed for those who suffer from obesity and has a body mass index of more than 35, while liposuction is performed for those who suffer from the accumulation of fat in one area and who are not obese.


ما تكلفة عملية تكميم المعدة ؟

تكلفة عملية تكميم المعدة تحتاج الي إستشارة للطبيب المتخصص لأن كل حالة تختلف عن الأخري في إجرائاتها وتاريخها المرضي ومستوي الدهون في الجسم


اطلع ايضا:

جراحة تحويل مسار المعدة


Being overweight and becoming obese has become a common disease that affects many people and does not differentiate between a man and a woman. Suffering from it is not only physical but also psychological, so if you suffer from obesity you must get rid of it and you have several ways to get rid of it, first Traditional methods such as following a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Second, safe obesity surgeries.

Is obesity a disease?

Obesity is a disease by all standards, just like many other diseases that can lead to the risk of death, because the consequences of obesity are many diseases. Obesity causes diabetes, heart disease, stress, joint erosion, high cholesterol and other diseases that may lead to the risk of death if carelessly. By and because of her.

What are the disadvantages of obesity?

Obesity is not only a disease that has physical damages, but also has psychological side effects that can reach you to the point of depression, between these damages:
Joint pain and erosion as a result of an increased load on it.
High level of sugar in the blood.
High cholesterol.
Various heart diseases.
- Isolation.
Lack of self-confidence.
-Breathing difficulty.
Increased sweating.

What are the safe non-traditional ways to get rid of obesity?

Obesity surgeries have become the safest and most effective way to get rid of obesity, especially for those who tried a lot to lose weight by traditional methods but failed, and these are the different types of obesity surgeries:
Sleeve gastrectomy
- Convert path 

Bypass surgery:

Bypass surgery is a safe surgery used to get rid of obesity, especially for type 2 diabetics who suffer from high sugar level and cannot dispense with eating sweets.
The bypass surgery is the separation of a portion of the stomach (sinus) and the bypassing the intestine bypassing the first part of the intestine. By reducing the size of the stomach and bypassing the first section of the intestine,
The amount of absorbed food, especially sugars, decreases, and thus the level of sugar in the blood decreases, and the hunger hormone is also eliminated and thus weight is safely lost and obesity and type 2 diabetes are also eliminated.

What are the procedures required before undergoing bypass surgery?

- The surgeon talks with those wishing to undergo the operation to agree on the most appropriate type.
It is important to tell the surgeon what medicines you are currently using or have previously used.
Inform the surgeon of your complete medical history.
The surgeon asks for some necessary tests to be done in order to ensure that you can undergo the procedure completely safely.
- The surgeon asks to completely stop smoking due to its direct effect on your ability to recover after the operation.
Start exercising gradually.

What happens after a bypass surgery?

- You must adhere to the nutritional program that the doctor placed for the period after the operation.
Get complete rest until full recovery.
- The doctor must be visited periodically in order to follow up on the situation and be aware of its latest developments.
Attention should be paid to taking the therapeutic medications recommended by the surgeon, which include vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

Is there any pain after bypass surgery?

There is no fear of feeling pain after the bypass surgery, as Dr. Hisham Abdullah uses the Pain Relief Device (PCA), which is a pain control device.
The surgeon uses it to relieve pain after the operation by using calculated and safe analgesic doses. You can obtain it automatically through the device and get a dose when needed by pressing the device.

Who is the right candidate for gastric sleeve surgery?

The suitable candidate is one who suffers from obesity, meaning that the body mass index is higher than 35 and cannot dispense with eating sweets and sugars, especially diabetics, and also obese patients who suffer from hiatal hernia and those who suffer from esophageal reflux.

Does bypass surgery leave scars after surgery?

The surgeon uses the endoscope in the bypass surgery, which has a thin diameter not exceeding a millimeter and makes 3-5 surgical incisions that do not exceed a millimeter also, so the surgery does not leave a clear trace, but very small stitches that heal with time and then enjoy good health.

What happens after a bypass surgery?

Drink plenty of fluids and water to prevent dehydration.
- Avoid drinking liquids between meals, but you must wait a period of 30 minutes after eating to drink water so that stomach enlargement and stress do not occur.
Chew food well before swallowing.
The diet followed should contain protein on a daily basis
Eat foods and drinks low in fat and sugar.
Choose foods and fluids low in fat and sugar.
Beware of consuming caffeine, as it leads to dehydration.
Exercise to avoid the appearance of sagging.

اطلع ايضا :


عملية الساسي

Your health always increases as long as you continue to maintain an ideal weight, and decreases and is affected by weight gain and the access to obesity that exposes you to many different and dangerous diseases, 
Such as heart disease, stress, diabetes, joint pain and many more, and many psychological and physical diseases.

What is the effective solution to get rid of obesity?

يوجد عدة حلول للتخلص من الوزن الزائد و السمنة المفرطة, منها الحلول أو الطرق التقليدية مثل إتباع نظام غذائي صحي و ممارسة الرياضة بإنتظام.


What if traditional methods fail to get rid of obesity?

بعض الأشخاص أنفقت معظم حياتها في تجربة أنظمة غذائية كثيرة للتخلص من الوزن ولكن بادت هذه المحاولات بالفشل, و رجوع الوزن مرة أخري و بإزدياد و عدم تحكم، و من هنا ظهرت جراحات السمنة الآمنة المختلفة للتخلص من الوزن الزايد و بدون رجوع للوزن السابق مرة أخري، ويوجد منها عدة أنواع .


What are the different types of obesity surgeries?

Sleeve gastrectomy
- Convert path


The SASI operation, also called the bilateral division, because it combines the sleeve gastrectomy with the diversion of the pathway by connecting the stomach outlet to the intestine after excluding part of it with the outlet of the stomach not being separated, and thus there are two ways of eating:
30% of food goes in its natural course, through which necessary vitamins and minerals are absorbed.
70% من الأكل لا يمر من اول 2 متر الأمعاء ويسير في مسار التحويل.
Thus, the absorption of carbohydrates, fats and sugars decreases, and you enjoy safe and healthy weight loss, as well as the elimination of cholesterol diseases and type II diabetes.


What are the advantages of SASI over other obesity surgeries?

It is credited with getting rid of type 2 diabetes effectively, quickly and with a success rate of up to 90%.
After the operation, the patient does not need to take the necessary vitamins for long periods of time.
- Two operations are considered in one operation, so it is called bilateral division because it combines sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass.
-فاعلية في نزول الوزن مقارنة ببقية الطرق الأخري و التقليدية لنزول الوزن.
One of the most recent and safest operations ever.


When do I realize that I am obese?

There is an accurate index or an easy and simple formula known as BMI. If your BMI is more than 35, then I know that you are obese.
 And you should get rid of your excess weight and enjoy good health.

Is the SASI operation internationally recognized, and why?

Any operation that is internationally recognized must go through short-term studies within five years of the operation's life, and long-term studies to be completed within 15 years of the operation's life.
The SASI process is 6 years old, so it went through short-term studies and did not spend enough time to do long studies, so it is not recognized internationally,
However, this does not prevent its results so far that are very distinctive and with amazing results in losing weight safely. 

Is Sassi the magic solution for diabetics?

تعتبر عملية الساسي من العمليات المُستكشفة حديثاً و أثبتت نتائج هائلة في التخلص من مرض السكر النوع الثاني بنسبة 90%.

 و ذلك لأنها تجمع ما بين عملية تكميم المعدة ومميزاتها من التحكم في كمية الأكل ، و بين عملية تحويل المسار و مميزاتها من تقليل كمية الأكل المُمتصة مثل السكريات و الدهون، لذلك فلها نتائج هائلة ف التخلص من مرض السكر النوع الثاني و نزول الوزن بطريقة آمنة و فعالة.

What is the appropriate age for SASI surgery?

تعتبر عملية الساسي أو التقسيم الثنائي من الجراحات الآمنة و الفعالة و تُجري من سن 16 سنة و حتي 65 سنة للتخلص من السمنة المفرطة و الوزن الزايد.



Important advice, recommended by Dr. Hisham Abdullah after the SASI operation:

The first and second weeks, drinking clear liquids.
– الثالث و الرابع سوائل غير شفافة.
- The fifth and sixth week, a soft meal mixed with a blender.
Do not drink water with or immediately after eating.
Chew food well before swallowing.
Exercise to avoid the appearance of sagging.

Multiple benefits of SASI:

- Low stomach pressure as a result of food walking in two paths, so esophageal leakage or reflux is rare.
Treats 90% of type 2 diabetes patients.
-تخفض من ضغط الدم المرتفع.
Reduces cholesterol and prevents heart diseases associated with obesity.
- Safe and significant weight loss.
Relieve joint pain.
-تعالج الإكتئاب بنسبة 95%.
- Improved breathing by a high rate due to weight loss.
Increase self-confidence.
Get rid of lethargy and laziness.

شاهد ايضا:

Stomach balloon

Stomach balloon

Today, there has been a lot of talk about obesity and overweight, as such a problem has many complications for the person who suffers from it, as follows:
A person is affected psychologically and may suffer from depression as a result of being obese, he becomes unable to practice activities such as sports normally, and his movements are difficult, and he cannot keep pace with modern fashion in wearing clothes, and he cannot reduce the amount of food he gets. All this makes him annoyed as he is unable to solve the problem.
- It affects health as one of the complications of obesity is that it makes the sugar levels uncontrolled as a result of excessive eating, which makes a person vulnerable to diabetes, also makes the cholesterol level high, and increases blood pressure, which makes the person at great risk of heart disease and stroke, in addition to that Being overweight increases stress on the joints as a result of heavy pregnancy, which causes joint inflammation.
A woman who suffers from obesity during pregnancy is at risk of developing gestational diabetes and blood clots.
That is why those who suffer from obesity resort to searching for an appropriate solution to get rid of it and its complications. There are those who follow a diet and exercise, and there are those who resort to surgery.
The gastric balloon is one of the safe, non-surgical solutions to eliminate obesity, but it has conditions that must be followed. 

What is a gastric balloon?

It is a balloon made of silicone deflated from air, which is placed inside the stomach, then the balloon is filled with a sterile solution well, and then occupies a large area of the stomach, which limits the amount of food that can be obtained and accelerates the feeling of satiety, which helps you lose weight faster. 

كيف تتم عملية بالون المعدة؟

The doctor places the balloon in the stomach through a thin tube through the throat, and then he inserts an endoscope so that he can see the balloon while it is filling.
The process takes about half an hour.
Before performing a gastric balloon, a person must undergo some necessary medical examinations according to the advice of your doctor. The person also has to stick to a healthy diet. 
The person who will perform the operation must inform the doctor about his previous medical history and the medications he is taking, and if there are chronic diseases he suffers from, he must inform the doctor about them.

Who fits a stomach balloon?

-For those with a BMI of less than 30.
-Not to have undergone any previous stomach or esophageal surgery.
-Who has the will to adopt a new and different healthy health system.
-For those over the age of 18.

ما هو النظام الغذائي المتبع بعد عملية بالون المعدة؟

- In the first week, you can have clear, filtered liquids such as (detox water - diluted pure apple or grape juice - anise - mint - hibiscus - meat or filtered chicken soup without spices - 
Refined coconut milk)
- In the second and third week, you can have light foods such as oatmeal soup, carrot soup and skim milk.
Starting from the fourth week, you can eat different foods according to a specific diet given by your doctor.

كيف تكون نتائج جراحة بالون المعدة؟

First on the positive side:

-Simple operation in half an hour without general anesthesia.
-Rapid weight loss that may reach 20% of the weight in the first six months.
-As a result of losing excess weight, you will avoid the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other diseases.
- Control of blood sugar level occurs, and thus the risk of developing diabetes decreases.
-As a result of eating a healthy diet, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases.
-Maintains normal blood pressure, thus avoiding the risk of heart disease.
-Reducing the risk of arthritis.

Second from the negative side:

- Liquid leakage may occur from the balloon, which makes the balloon move from its place inside the stomach and is likely to cause blockage, and then you will face a new problem that needs other procedures.
The presence of the balloon in the stomach is for a limited period according to the type of balloon and cannot be bypassed so as not to damage and cause stomach complications. 
- Contamination of the liquid in the balloon may occur as a result of bacteria, causing a high temperature. 
- Some side effects may appear, such as stomach discomfort and vomiting, but they will disappear with time until the body adjusts to this new situation.
A sudden inflammation of the pancreas may rarely occur, and this is due to the pressure from the balloon on the internal organs, and you start to feel symptoms within days, which are severe stomach pain, loss of appetite, nausea and bloating, and the solution to such a problem may be to remove the stomach balloon.
- Sometimes the doctor gives the person who performed the operation anti-ulcer medications during the balloon's presence as a preventive measure to reduce the risk of developing an ulcer.
You must follow a proper diet and exercise to avoid regaining weight again.

Exact quantification

Exact quantification

In keeping with the technological development in modern medical sciences and medical devices as well, and the doctors ’interest in improving the results of operations, especially obesity surgeries, doctors have reached a breakthrough in the world of obesity surgery, which is surgery using very accurate binoculars, as doctors seek to provide patient comfort and eliminate fear and anxiety towards These processes. 

Exact quantification:

يعد التكميم الدقيق أشبه بتكميم المعدة العادي ولكنه يختلف في الأدوات الجراحية المستخدمة التي يترتب عليها شكل الجرح وأثاره , وهنا في التكميم الدقيق يستخدم الأطباء أدوات جراحية حديثة في غاية الدقة وهي عبارة عن أنابيب سمكها لا يتعدى 2 ملل , ومن ثم تكون فتحات الجرح صغيرة جداً حيث أنها لاتترك أثار من العلامات أو الندبات بعد إجراء العملية . 
Exercise sleeve gastrectomy is performed through very small, needle-like incisions of 2 mm in diameter.


What is the difference between sleeve gastrectomy and micro-sleeve gastrectomy?

There are three phases that obesity surgery has gone through, as it began with traditional surgeries, then evolved into the use of binoculars and then into the use of microscopes, and this is a breakthrough in obesity surgeries.

First: traditional surgeries:

And it is through the use of the scalpel, where a large wound is opened in the abdominal area, and it has many side effects, such as feeling pain in the wound area, and leaving a trace after the operation.

Second: laparoscopic surgery:

The surgical operations developed to the use of endoscopes that reduced the pain resulting from the wound, as well as the size of the wound became smaller, up to 1 cm, and the operation is done through 4 small surgical openings, and this stage saved complications for the patient.

Third: accurate quantification:

Here, high-quality microscopes are used with a diameter not exceeding 2 mm, and as a result of this the wound is very small as it does not leave any traces, and it does not cause pain like this resulting from traditional surgeries, as the greater the area of the wound, the greater the resulting pain.

For which patients who suffer from obesity is suitable for accurate sleeve gastrectomy?

When we talk about obesity surgeries, we are faced with modern and different techniques for gastric sleeve operations, and choosing the most appropriate one for the patient depends on the doctor's diagnosis.
The precise quantification process is not suitable for all obese patients, and this depends on the doctor examining the patient’s health status, and knowing the weight and other criteria that must be known before the operation.

Advantages of accurate quantification:

- It is the process of sleeve gastrectomy, but without any traces of wound after the operation. 
- A pain-free operation, as the smaller the wound area, the less pain.
- The operation time is shorter than the surgical procedures.
-Hospital stay does not exceed today.
- You can practice your working life and your daily tasks within two days after your operation. 
-You do not need plastic surgery afterwards. 
- The operation may be performed under the influence of local anesthesia, depending on the doctor's vision.
-Preserving the surrounding body tissues.
-Reaching the required weight within months after completing the operation. 

Important tips before performing a meticulous sleeve gastrectomy:

- Before the operation, you must perform some necessary examinations and analyzes to determine the general health indicators of the patient.
- The patient begins to follow a diet until his body gets used to the diet that he will follow after the operation in the first period.
- The patient begins to move away from sugars and carbohydrates completely two weeks before the operation, as this leads to a reduction in the size of the liver before the operation, thus avoiding complications that may occur during gastric cutting. 
- Stay away from taking medications that increase blood flow, in order to avoid further bleeding after surgery.
-Stop drinking all soft drinks.
-Stop drinking drinks containing caffeine.

Without a trace without pain:

If you are suffering from obesity, and you made your decision to complete the precise sleeve gastrectomy, which is one of the obesity surgeries, you will get important advantages, which are the absence of a trace of the wound after the completion of the operation, and also the lack of pain due to the small size of the wound to only 2 milliliters.
The operation is an important opportunity in your life to reduce the suffering you feel due to obesity, which is a physical as well as a psychological suffering.
Removing part of the stomach will reduce the production of the hormone related to the feeling of hunger and thus reduce the amount of food significantly than usual, and thus begin to lose weight quickly.
One of the most important basics in choosing the type of operation is that you go to a doctor who is expert in the fields of obesity surgery and is familiar with all the recent developments that are taking place.
Here at Dr. Hisham Abdullah Center, you will find everything you want to inquire about.

Correction of previous obesity Surgery

Correction of previous obesity Surgery

Obesity surgeries are the surgical option to get rid of excess weight to reach an ideal, healthy body, as well as a way to avoid many diseases associated with obesity, such as diabetes, pressure and other diseases related to obesity. But sometimes a person who has had obesity surgery needs to return it. 
In this article, we will discuss together the reasons why this person needs to repeat the operation, either in order to correct it or for another reason. With Dr. Hisham Abdullah you will know the causes, results and appropriate solutions.

Reasons for resorting to correction operations:

It happens with some cases that the results are unsuccessful, and other times the operation causes complications. The reasons are as follows:
Failure to obtain the desired weight after the obesity process, but sometimes an increase in weight occurs again, and the reasons for this problem include:
  * Irregularity of the person who performed the operation on the diet recommended by the doctor after the operation.
  - Sometimes it is due to a wrong choice of the type of operation that is not suitable for a person who suffers from obesity.
-This results in the operation not being successful.
-Failure to treat diseases associated with obesity, such as diabetes, stress, arthritis, and others.
-The process may cause changes in the body such as: 
  - Enlargement of the stomach pocket, and stomach ulcers may occur.
  - Increase intestinal absorption capacity, unlike expected.
  - The stomach ring moves out of place, which may increase the amount of food.
  These examples are an indication of the failure of the operation and the need for a surgical intervention to correct it.
- The poor choice of a competent surgeon may be among the main problems, as obesity operations are surgeries that require extreme precision, extreme caution, and complete sterilization. 
- The poor choice of a competent surgeon may be among the main problems as obesity operations are surgeries that require extreme precision, extreme caution and complete sterilization. The belt is for the stomach wall and is accompanied by symptoms such as infections in the stomach and esophagus, difficulty swallowing, vomiting and abdominal pain. 
One of the dangers of stomach wrinkles is that it may lead to poor absorption of nutrients.

Appropriate solutions to such problems:

First of all, the person who wants to correct the process must choose a doctor with high competence and excellent experience in this field.
In the center of Dr. Hisham Abdullah, professor of surgery at the Faculty of Medicine at Mansoura University, the following will be done: 
Conducting all the necessary medical examinations and analyzes to find out the causes of the main problem, and then choosing the appropriate solution.
- The stomach ring operations and stomach stapling operations are corrected by performing the bypass operation, which is the connection of the stomach pouch to a part of the small intestine without removing the rest of the stomach parts.
- Dr. Hisham Abdullah, an expert in obesity and laparoscopic surgeries, is interested in that the operation takes place in a completely sterile environment, and uses high-efficiency and more advanced medical devices, as well as modern surgical tools, and of course they are well sterile, which ensures that you enjoy complete safety, reassurance and comfort. Any complications after the operation. 
- Dr. Hisham Abdullah, who has a general surgery fellowship from the British Royal College, is keen to secure the operation by testing whether or not there is any leakage in the operation.
- Dr. Hisham Abdullah Center also gives all the instructions that must be known and followed after the completion of the operation, to preserve its success and obtain the required weight and acceptable result, so it provides you with a healthy, healthy diet that you must follow in the first period after the operation.

كيف تكون نتيجة تصحيح جراحات السمنة؟

-By following these solutions, you get rid of the problems and complications that you suffered as a result of the first unsuccessful surgery due to the previously mentioned reasons.
- You will start to lose weight quickly and reach the desired result, God willing, and thus get rid of the psychological and physical suffering that the first operation was the cause of.
-This will also avoid obesity complicating diseases such as stress, diabetes, joint stiffness and other life-threatening diseases for all who suffer from obesity.
- When you reach the required weight, you can practice your favorite sport properly, and then your body becomes more fit and your health more healthy.
At Dr. Hisham Abdullah Center - the expert in obesity surgeries for more than 20 years, you will enjoy good treatment and a good reception, and you will find an answer to every question that occupies your thinking, especially for obesity surgeries, and you will have careful follow-up step by step for the sake of your health 

Single-hole sleeve gastrectomy

Single-hole sleeve gastrectomy

Obesity is associated with many different diseases, such as diabetes, pressure and arthritis due to excess weight. The obese patient may have tried more than once to follow different diets, and tried to practice sport in its many forms, but he could not continue and succeed in the attempts, and then surrounding him An atmosphere of despair and frustration, which affects his psyche, and sometimes results in the deterioration of his relations with others as a result of shyness, laziness and difficulty in moving.
From here, doctors began to search for surgical solutions until they came to sleeve gastrectomy, which is the removal of a large part of the stomach until it reaches 25% of its original size. Doctors did not stop at this development, but continued to search for how to perform gastric sleeve surgery in a better cosmetic way, and this by reducing the number of surgical openings used to one surgical opening. 

Sleeve gastrectomy with one hole is best for aesthetic appearance:

It is the removal of a large part of the stomach - approximately two-thirds of the stomach - through a single surgical opening in the navel area, through this opening the camera and endoscope are inserted.
Thus, the operation is done with a better result while preserving the aesthetic shape of the abdomen.

Who is suitable for one-hole gastric sleeve surgery?

- This type of obesity surgery is not suitable for all patients, and here are some examples in which a patient refuses to perform a single-opening sleeve gastrectomy:
- An obese patient who weighs more than 200 kilos.
- Obese patients who have had surgery before.
- Elderly .

The method used to carry out the operation:

- The usual process of sleeve gastrectomy is done through five surgical openings in different areas in the abdominal area, thus leaving small traces, but they may be apparent, and you may need a plastic surgery.
- Now with the sleeve gastrectomy with one opening, it is one opening in the navel area, invisible.
- This, in turn, leads to preserving the aesthetic appearance of the abdomen after the operation.
- The process takes from half an hour to an hour.

Excellent results for single-opening sleeve gastrectomy:

- As a result of using one incision, the patient does not suffer from any pain after the end of the operation, it is a pain-free operation.
- Because the wound is very small and in the umbilical area, it has no effect, as if the operation was not performed.
- The patient can move two hours after the operation, start drinking six hours later, and one day later he is discharged from the hospital.
- The patient exercises his normal life three days after the operation, taking into account that no severe muscle effort is exerted until after a week has passed.
-An invisible wound because it is in the navel area.
- The patient loses from 40-85% of his weight within short periods.
(The patient loses 8: 12 kilos of weight in the first month after the operation, then in the following months he loses 4: 6 kilograms per month)
-Studies have shown that after the operation, weight loss improves type 2 diabetes by up to 96%.
Reduces hypertension and hyperlipidemia.

What has resulted from the use of modern endoscopes in bariatric surgeries:

The use of modern endoscopes has led to a smaller area of the wound resulting from the operation, and according to this, the smaller the wound area, the less pain resulting from it. The use of these binoculars also avoided the need for plastic surgery. Hence, the doctors' focus increased on exploiting these endoscopes while reducing the number of surgical openings for the patient.
The single-hole sleeve gastrectomy is the best way to maintain the aesthetic appearance, as if the operation was not performed.

Healthy health systems that must be followed before and after the operation:

* before the operation :

- When you make your decision to conduct the operation, you must choose a doctor who is highly experienced in such areas, namely, obesity surgery. Not all procedures are suitable for all patients. The doctor begins examining the patient and asks for important analyzes, and then begins to determine the appropriate type of operation.
- After determining the operation, the doctor advises you to follow a specific diet, avoiding sugars completely, so that the stomach is ready for the new system after the operation.

* After the operation:

The following system must be followed in the first period after the operation:
-In the first week, it is only allowed to consume clear, filtered liquids, and dairy products can be obtained, but on condition that they are fat-free.
-In the following two weeks, it is allowed to take opaque liquids with a blender.
-You should drink a liter of water daily, and walk for half an hour every day.
And a lot of advice that your doctor gives you, you must follow to maintain the safety of your health.

Bikini gagging

Bikini gagging

Many people who suffer from obesity resort to performing gastric sleeve surgeries, and then doctors began to develop these operations in order to be safer, and also without traces of the location of the wound after the operation, until they came up with a modern method for performing the sleeve gastrectomy without any distortion of the area The abdomen is the bikini sleeve.
We cannot deny that the aesthetic form is very effective for everyone who suffers from obesity and thinks about performing the operation, especially women, and for this the bikini sleeve is their basic requirement in such operations.

Bikini gagging:

As a result of the increasing tension of people from surgeries and concern about the difficulty of performing a facelift for the area in which the operation was performed, doctors came up with a new method, which is to insert the camera from a small hole in the navel area, and insert the endoscope tools through two other openings that do not exceed 1 cm. The incisions are made at the bikini line in places that are not completely visible, and the wound heals quickly due to its small size, without leaving any scars or traces of the wound site.
Bikini gagging هو التخلص من السمنة المفرطة عن طريق تقليص حجم المعدة بدون أثار للجرح بعد إتمام العملية , وهي عملية أمنة جداً .

The difference between laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and laparoscopic bikini quantification:

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy:

Here, the operation is performed through 5 small incisions not exceeding 1 cm in length, an opening in the navel area to insert the camera, and four holes in the abdominal area where endoscopes are used, and some scars may appear after the operation.

Bikini gagging:

As we mentioned previously, this operation is done through 3 openings, a small opening in the navel area, and two holes in the bikini area, and it is distinguished by that it does not leave a trace, which does not affect the aesthetic appearance, and that is why bikini sleeveging is one of the preferred obesity surgeries for women.

Advantages that you will get after performing a bikini sleeve surgery:

As everyone knows that obesity has risks not only health, but also psychological because it causes a heavy burden on patients who suffer from it, as they find it difficult to practice their normal lives in movement and transportation, as well as in purchasing appropriate clothes for them, and also severe difficulty in exercising The health of the body, and all this affects the psyche of the patient, which makes him frustrated and despondent.
In these days, obesity surgeries have developed so that they fulfill the dreams of many patients who had lost hope in losing their excess weight, and it provided them with many advantages, and here are some of them:
-Reaching the appropriate and desired weight within a few months.
-Avoid complications from other diseases that a person who suffers from obesity is more likely to suffer from, such as: diabetes, stress and arthritis.
- The psychological state improves as a result of weight loss, which definitely changes a person’s life and opens doors for him that he was unable to do, such as: “Exercising and wearing the latest fashionable clothes as he loves and other activities.
- The bikini sleeve gastrectomy operation maintains the nature of the digestive system, by avoiding making connections to the stomach with any part of the gastrointestinal tract. 
- It helps reduce appetite and reduce the feeling of hunger, in addition to a speedy feeling of fullness after eating small amounts of food.
 - The success of bikini sleeve gastrectomy operation depends on the patient’s willingness to adopt a new diet and healthy lifestyle after the operation, in order to avoid complications.
- Gastric sleeve surgery is simple and its side effects can be avoided, which gradually disappear over time.
 In most cases, you can continue with your work and return to your daily routine the following week of the operation. 
Feeling fatigue during this period is normal and common due to low calorie intake. The diet followed after the operation depends mainly on liquids in the early stages.

What is the diet followed after the bikini sleeve surgery?

On the first day: the patient is allowed to drink clear liquids only, and the doctor allows drinking water hours after the operation.
From the second to the fourteenth day: the patient follows a diet based on low-fat, complete fluids such as yogurt, milk and juice.
From the third to the fifth week: the patient eats soft foods that can be swallowed easily. Like mashed potatoes, boiled and mashed vegetables, and cooked pieces of meat or chicken.
From after the fifth week: the patient can eat solid foods again and it is preferable to eat many meals but with small amounts of food throughout the day. 
Also, multivitamins and vitamin B complex must be taken in conjunction with this diet after the operation.

Important tips after gastric sleeve surgery:

Eat well-pureed foods first.
Try not to eat when anxious or distressed.
Make sure to chew food slowly and well.
Avoid high-calorie, low-nutritional foods.
Avoid eating sugars, trans fats, and junk food and fried foods.
Keep drinking water regularly.
Get regular exercise.
Take supplements recommended by your doctor

The relationship of obesity to sexual ability

The relationship of obesity to sexual ability

Obesity is a disease that is no less dangerous than many diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and others that threaten a person's social life,
And also it can cause great harm in his marital life because obesity affects the sexual and reproductive capacity of both men and women.

ما هي علاقة السمنة بالقدرة الجنسية للرجال؟

تكمن علاقة السمنة بالقدرة الجنسية لدي الرجال في قلة تدفق الدم للعضو الذكري والخصيتين، لذا فهي تقلل بل و يمكن أن تمنع حدوث الإنجاب، فكثير من الرجال الذين يُعانون من السمنة لا يدركون إنها من أهم الأسباب التي يمكن أن تكون سبب رئيسي لعدم حدوث إنجاب.
And also the man suffers from obesity and the fat is especially in the rumen area, which also causes difficulty during the marital relationship and reduces the man’s sexual ability.


Other reasons for the relationship of obesity to the sexual ability of men:

Weight gain reduces sexual performance, and the man quickly feels exhausted when making a little effort during sexual intercourse.
- The fat in the abdomen, buttocks and waist reduces blood flow to the rest of a man's genitals, which weakens the ability to erect the penis.
Thus, it limits the strong sexual performance of the man as a result of the rapid relaxation.
The testicles and penis need to be pumped well in order to function.
- The sperm needs to be of good quality to enable it to reach the fertilization of the egg, and the extra weight reduces its quality.
With excess weight and fat, it becomes difficult for a man to breathe comfortably and be able to exert effort during sexual intercourse.
Obesity directly affects the size and length of the penis, especially if it accumulates in the abdominal region, as its volume decreases as the size of the abdomen increases, which affects the marital sexual relationship.

Is obesity a reason for delayed childbearing in women?

Obesity not only makes you feel heavy and restrained in clothing and difficulty in movement, but is a major cause of delayed childbearing for some women, because of what the extra weight causes.
Of disturbances in the female hormones, which in turn may lead to delayed childbearing for some women.
وايضا علاقة السمنة بالقدرة الجنسية لدي النساء في نفور الزوج من العلاقة الزوجية.

Other diseases that obesity can cause:

-Heart disease.
-High cholesterol.
-Joint erosion.
Lack of self-confidence.

ما هي طرق التخلص من الوزن الزائد؟

يجب التخلص من الوزن الزائد  علي الفور بعدة طرق إحداها الطرق التقليدية مثل الإلتزام بنظام غذائي صحي أو بممارسة الرياضة بإنتظام،فإذا فشلت هذه الطرق للتخلص من السمنة فهناك طرق آمنة و فعالة مثل جراحات السمنة المختلفة و هي: